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Krewe of Morpheus


Morpheus, The Primordial Greek god of dreams.  He shaped and formed the dreams, through which he could appear to mortals in any form.  This talent made Morpheus  a messenger of the gods able to communicate divine messages to sleeping mortals. Though he could take any human form, Morpheus's true form was that of a winged demon. He was the son of Hypnos (God of Sleep) and Pasithea (Goddess of relaxation and rest). 

The phrase " in the arms of Morpheus" means to be asleep. Mortals  would enjoy a sound sleep, but would also dream about their future or even coming events. Morpheus was the dream messenger of the Gods, communicating the divine messages through images and stories, created as dreams.  

Morpheus was the leader of the Oneiroi (Dreams), and he and his brothers were the personified spirits of dreams. Phobetor created phobic or scary dreams. Phantasus created unreal or phantasmic dreams. What set Morpheus apart from his brothers as his ability to influence the dreams of Gods, heroes and Kings. 

Morpheus appears in the poet Ovid's Metamorphosis. He is also likely the unnamed dream spirit in Homer's Iliad that delivers a message from Zeus to King Agamemnon. 

Morpheus slept in a cave full of poppy seeds while shaping mortal dreams. This could be the reason why the opium-based medication for severe pain is known as Morphine. 

Overseeing the dream of mortals made Morpheus one of the busiest deities. He didn't have a wife but some interpretations would have seen him paired with Iris, another messenger of the Gods and the personification of rainbows.